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- Path: news.demon.co.uk!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!btnet!newsfeed.internetmci.com!swrinde!ihnp4.ucsd.edu!munnari.OZ.AU!news.mel.connect.com.au!news.syd.connect.com.au!news.bri.connect.com.au!exchange.netwise.net.au!troll.apana.org.au!wonderland.apana.org.au!news
- From: belgrave@wonderland.apana.org.au (THEY have landed)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.fan.art-bell,talk.religion.newage,alt.conspiracy
- Subject: Re: COA#40 Letters from Andromeda
- Followup-To: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.fan.art-bell,talk.religion.newage,alt.conspiracy
- Date: 18 Jun 1996 23:15:45 +1000
- Organization: Wonderland
- Lines: 100
- Message-ID: <4q6a61$gkm@wonderland.apana.org.au>
- References: <4ptirj$nr4@viper.inow.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: localhost
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:88274 alt.paranet.ufo:53698 alt.fan.art-bell:16931 talk.religion.newage:17790 alt.conspiracy:120276
- the internets very own tabloids....sheesh...how much damage is stuff like
- this doing?
- http://wonderland.apana.org.au/~belgrave/the_expurgated.obey.html
- --------- I can see the future, and the future holds nothing for me,
- I can see the future and it makes me wish that I was blind.
- All the hype that intoxicates our minds tonight,
- All the crap out of which we manufacture our lives
- David Thrussel , SNOG
- rkrouse@inow.com (rkrouse@inow.com) wrote:
- :
- : DON'T LET THIS BE YOUR LAST ISSUE! (this is only for those who are receiving
- : a complimentary copy or subscription has run out.)
- :
- : Subscription price for email is 13 issues, every two weeks
- : for $22 or $26=snail mail. Email credit card info or mail check to COA,
- : 2221 Bowers Ave., Santa Clara, Ca. 95051 or call Barbara @ (408) 241-7981
- : Center of Attention Newsletter #40
- : 2221 Bowers Ave. Santa Clara, CA.
- : (408) 241-7981
- : email: jason@iptcorp.com
- : Letters from Andromeda
- : by Jason
- : Alex Collier, the Andromeda guy, has a newsletter
- : (ref. at end of article) and in the April issue he says that a
- : couple of months ago a huge mothership, from Ursa Minor,
- : was found parked just outside our Solar System filled with
- : reptilian soldiers in cryogenic suspension. Intent is un-
- : known, but apparently fighting has been taking place, just
- : outside our solar system, with some loss of life. The con-
- : flicts are between groups from the Pleiades, Procyon, and
- : Tau Ceti against both Orions and Draconians. Seven ships
- : from Andromeda, Pleiades, and Procyon are parked in our
- : atmosphere as a defensive blockade.
- : It is also reported that a large armada of ships from
- : Orion and Sirius B are forming around Sirius B and it may
- : be the beginnings of an alliance between them regarding
- : our quadrant in the galaxy and us, in general. Details are
- : not available, but both have something to lose regarding
- : us. It is believed that this armada will be coming to this
- : sector around 2003-2005.
- : Further, the Andromedan Council participated in a
- : conference between Sirius B and the Orion Empire, where
- : territorial rights and quadrant title to various parts of our
- : Galaxy were discussed. The Andromedans are insisting
- : that Earth be left alone, all ET s should leave the planet,
- : and we be allowed to evolve on our own. They also say
- : they are committed, along with several others, to support
- : us in full. Alex asked Moranay (an Andromedan) if they
- : were capable of taking on the Orion Empire, and he didn't
- : say, "yes", but implied that they have much support from
- : other civilizations. At present 141 are allied with An-
- : dromeda.
- : Finally, the Andromedans also say that Hale-Bop
- : Comet is, in fact, a huge craft, made to look like a comet,
- : with other craft in tow, hiding in the comet tail. In a previ-
- : ous account, the Andromedans implied that these craft
- : were Draconian Reptoids, bent on claiming Earth as their
- : territory.
- : Some of this information is contrary to what Shel-
- : don Nidle has said, so I called him to see what he had to
- : say about it. He flatly stated that none of the conflicts
- : mentioned were taking place and that everything was
- : peaceful! He seemed perplexed as to why Alex's contacts
- : would be saying such things, but fell short of accusing him
- : of any malevolent intent. In many ways, the Andromeda
- : message is closer than most in concurring with what Nidle
- : claims is about to happen, yet there are a few striking con-
- : tradictions.
- : Sheldon Nidle paints a much rosier picture of what
- : we are to face over the next "many years", with things just
- : getting better and better, whereas Alex claims we have
- : much conflict ahead of us. Apparently so, because the
- : Andromedans want all aliens off this planet by 2003 which I
- : don't think fits the Sirian plan at all. Their intent is to help
- : us move into the Galactic Federation and become a
- : "showcase" planet with diplomatic status.
- : You can contact "Letters from Andromeda", and I
- : encourage you to do so because they, like us, are not
- : copyrighting their material and seem to be interested in
- : getting the message of love and light out. Contact: Jon &
- : Deborah Robinson, 289 S. Robertson Blvd. #212, Beverly
- : Hills, CA. 90211. (310) 247-8796.